What is Jazz-It-Up, and Why?

Jazz-It-Up provides musical comedy entertainment for business meetings and other special events.

Throughout my business career, I have created musical comedy shows or provided banjo/sing-a-long entertainment for the firms I worked for, and I saw the positive and electric effect it had on any gathering. Helping people relax and laugh was not only an incredible amount of fun for me, it was very gratifying to see the effect on others…getting management teams to lighten up, not take themselves too seriously, and use music and humor to deliver a message that otherwise would have been lost. So, I decided to offer these services professionally, and Jazz-It-Up was born.

Video Interview with Bob Whyte

How am I different from the other purveyors of music and comedy for business meetings – aside from being a pretty darn funny guy? First, I come from the business and investment world, which gives me a good sense of what you can poke fun at and what would be in poor taste – so you’re much less likely to get humor that backfires from Jazz-It-Up. Second, I do a lot of research (as I did in venture capital) on your company, its products and people, in order to write stuff that is really funny, not just sort of funny.

Finally, the melodies for the lyrics I use in my shows are the old-time tunes including those that are part of the American Popular Song book or are Dixieland classics. The music of those early days was diverse and rich, including lots of songs that were written to be easily learned and sung, or make you laugh. This music is perfect for Jazz-It-Up shows.

Jazz-It-Up products include:

Pricing for shows and songs varies with the assignment.

Ready for some fun? JAZZ-IT-UP!

Give me a call at 919-933-6951 or email me at bob@bobwhyte.com to discuss how Jazz-It-Up might enliven your next gathering or celebration. Thanks! Bob Whyte


A top Venture Capital firm hired Jazz-It-Up to help set a “thinking out of the box” tone at its annual off-site strategy meeting.

A leading biotechnology firm employed Jazz-It-Up to pay special tribute to a retiring key member of its Board.

Jazz-It-Up helped Duke Management Company welcome its new president with a special program he would never forget.

At a national educational forum for institutional investors Jazz-It-Up created and performed a special song to provide a humorous take on venture capital.

At an annual information technology conference in 2001, Jazz-It-Up was retained to lighten up the audience still recovering from the bursting of the dot-com bubble.

I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt. That’s what I remember most about being the guest of honor (read “target”) of a musical comedy skit written by Bob Whyte on the occasion of my leaving the company. I had seen this sort of thing done before, but never had I heard a show that was this funny and where it was clear someone – Bob Whyte – had taken the time to do his homework. I felt like a million bucks while we all laughed our heads off.

Thanks Bob.

- Alice Alexander
Vice President
Planned Parenthood Health Systems